Samford Commons Entities

There are a number of groups which provide leadership and services to and through Samford Commons.  These ‘Samford Commons Entities’ are run as internal businesses or not-for-profit service deliverers by Samford Commons volunteers or employees.


School of Sustainability

The School of Sustainability is developing as a network of people, businesses and institutions which will offer education, training, research and other learning services to schools, tertiary institutions, businesses, community groups and the community generally. This will be provided on-site and on-line.

Samford Power

Samford Power exists to coordinate both the development of a community owned energy services enterprise and physical infrastructure to service the Samford Commons site with affordable clean energy. The ultimate aim is to establish a community owned renewable energy company which makes clean energy easy to implement for property owners and easy to invest in for anyone in the greater Samford region.

Co-working Space

Local businesses and government agencies will form part of a hub of enterprises working in a creative space which enables autonomous working conditions. The space will be the catalyst for promoting and facilitating collaborative relationships toward thriving businesses operating within frameworks of ‘doing well and doing good.’.

The Launch Pad

The Launch Pad is the next generation Maker Space which will launch innovative ways of ‘designing, making and doing’ through individual brilliance, collective capacity and open space collaborations.

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