Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Samford Commons concept and vision?

The Commons’ vision is …. a place to grow.  To grow ideas, knowledge, networks, food, creativity and the community itself!   It will be a model for sustainable living, learning, working and playing. It will include a large range of hands-on activities, street art and theatre, renewable energy exhibition, community library, food production, co-working business spaces, urban farming in practice, sustainability education programs, festivals, conferences and seasonal markets.

How did Samford Commons originate?

Samford Commons grew out of consultations with the community via the Samford Futures process of 2011-2013 and also the Master Plan for the Samford Parklands developed in the early 2000’s by the Moreton Bay Regional Council and the community.

Who decided to have Samford Commons at the old CSIRO site?

The Moreton Bay Regional Council has given in-principle agreement to the proposal which was put to them by what is now Samford Commons Ltd.  This proposal came from 3 years of the community wide Samford Futures process. In 2016 they approved expenditure of $500 000 for refurbishment of Stage 2 buildings and $1.35m for multi-user internal road and parking. This commitment was confirmed at a Council meeting in March 2017.

Who ‘owns’ Samford Commons?

The Samford community owns Samford Commons via Samford Commons Ltd which is a not for profit enterprise accountable for the delivery of the Samford Commons concept.  Members of the public are able to be voting members of Samford Commons.  Samford Commons is a registered charity.  Moreton Bay Council retains ownership of the leased property.

Is the Samford Commons concept finalised?

The core vision and concept comes from a number of years of in depth consultation but the overall ‘how to do it’ will forever be a work in progress.  All residents are invited to participate and help shape the future of Samford Commons… and be part of implementing it.  There is a continuation of the vibrant consultation in the community to build even better ideas.

How will Samford Commons be funded?

Samford Commons has been resourced largely by the energy of a large contingent of community members. We have also received funds from the Moreton Bay Regional Council, Regional Development Australia Moreton Bay, Pine Rivers Climate Action Network, State Government and a small number of community groups. Funds will be sourced from partnerships, sponsorships, grants and income generating activities.

We have signed agreements with 20 community organisations, corporate entities, tertiary institutions, government departments and an increasing number of locally owned businesses, schools and networks.  The community will be asked to contribute funds to enable a strong and sustainable start to Samford Commons.

How is progress going on the Commons site itself?

We have leases on 2 buildings and the farmland lease.  Leases are in train to be signed for 5 further buildings. The urban farm is now started via our partners Millen Farm and a farmer has been appointed, a weekly food market is underway and a Community Growers Group has started. The first built structure, Studio 54, is being refurbished via work by Marist 180 trainees. Work is expected to start in 2017 on 5 buildings and outdoor spaces to be used for education, arts, Innovation Hub, co-working space, Community Library, renewable energy and markets. We are preparing revised proposals to the State Government for funding to accelerate construction.

What will we see next on the site?

Our partnerships with Creative Samford, School of Sustainability, Millen Farm, Community Library, Chamber of Commerce, Samford Power and local small businesses are expected to see expanded urban farming, more markets and festivals, an arts precinct, an educational space, community library, innovation hub and a co-working space in 2017-18. Many activities will be implemented in 2017 irrespective of the pace of the construction phase.

Go to or email and join.  The fee is $10.

Please also see us online at  Come to meetings every 4th Wednesday  at 7pm.

Donate $$ or Services

New ideas, practical help and delivery of services are all needed at Samford Commons.  At the same time, in the formative years of Samford Commons, we need financial resources to build to the point of being a sustainable social enterprise, not reliant on government funds or donations.

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