Projects & Working Groups

Working Groups have been set up to provide the necessary guidance and development for core requirements of Samford Commons.  These are facilitated by volunteers and are focussed on:

People and Culture

To support a deliberate culture that aligns the Samford Commons values with the behaviour of all members and volunteers


Marketing and Communications

To help Samford Commons achieve its vision and purpose through effective marketing and communication.

Infrastructure and Services

To develop a Strategic  Master Plan for the Staging and Sequencing of Site Development and to facilitate and monitor its implementation.

Funding and Business Development

To work closely with the board to raise funds and attract resources and business to enable the Samford Commons vision to materialise.

Donate $$ or Services

New ideas, practical help and delivery of services are all needed at Samford Commons.  At the same time, in the formative years of Samford Commons, we need financial resources to build to the point of being a sustainable social enterprise, not reliant on government funds or donations.

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